EAPP COVID-19 resources

2021 EAPP memberships for current members

The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) understands that your sport and performing commitments have been impacted this year. We are committed to supporting you through your return to training and events now and into future. As a result of COVID19 impacts on sport and the performing arts all 2020 EAPP students will not be required to reapply for membership in 2021.

Free exercise physiology services for EAPP students

The EAPP is excited to announce our partnership with ACU Exercise Lifestyle Clinics. EAPP students can now access services such as injury rehabilitation, prehab, and sport specific and general conditioning programs via telehealth appointments.

During your telehealth appointment you can discuss your goals, niggles or sporting objectives, and the Exercise Lifestyle Clinic team will develop a customised program for you to do at home with the equipment and resources you have available. Follow-up telehealth appointments will run throughout your program.

If your regular training is cancelled, this is a fantastic opportunity to come back in better condition than before.

Book a free telehealth appointment

Additional peer tutoring support

With the move to online learning, EAPP is offering additional peer tutoring support. If you’re struggling with any units, please reach out to discuss how we can assist you through the peer tutoring program.

Email EAPP

Counselling services

If you need to speak with a counsellor, support is still available via the university’s counselling team as well as through external providers.

Counselling services can assist if you’re struggling with:

  • adjusting to a different study environment
  • life without your regular structured training environment or support network.

The team is also available if you just want to chat.

ACU Counselling offers free counselling support services to all students. All services are run via online appointments.

Make a booking via their online booking form.

Bulk billed counselling

Bulk billed counselling services from a number of practitioners, including AIS referral network counsellors and sports physiologists, are also available. You will need a mental health plan referral from your GP.

Visit Lift High Performance website

Physiotherapy services

The Brisbane Allied Health – Physiotherapy Clinic will soon be running online consultations and they’re offering free physiotherapy services to our EAPP students nationally.

If you need physio treatment or injury management advice, contact the team to set up an online appointment at Admin.HealthBris@acu.edu.au.